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This is our annual Men’s Retreat in Delaware and it is always a blast. Great teaching and discussions. Amazing Food and Fellowship.

The theme will be living and walking as men of the Light. Jesus speaks of us imaging Him to those around us. We are to live as a disciple and disciple others to live in His light.
How do we do this? What does maturing in Christ look like? How do I live my life as the man I was created to be?

This year we are excited about the lineup of speakers for the fall retreat.
• Fount Shults
• Doug Johnson
• Peter Neuberger
• John Hobbs Jr.
• Robert Muncy

Registration $100 per person
Cabins $10 per person per night- register with camp ground
Cabins arrangements are made by calling Deep Branch Family Campground. Call 302-684-4031

Registration Cost for the weekend includes Friday night dinner. Our usual barbeque with fixins, Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner which includes our usual deer, along with chicken and Sunday morning breakfast. Lunch will be whatever is left and then we’ll send you home.

Register at  www.houseevents.us

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