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The Father’s Heart is an annual men’s gathering restoring spiritual sons to their Heavenly Father and helping them discover identity through Christ and encouragement in connection with fellow brothers.

Our identity as men is rooted in the Father’s heart. To be the men, fathers, husbands and sons we were created to be, we must know the Father and His heart toward us as sons. There is freedom, healing, peace and security in the Father’s heart. The Father’s heart restores brokeness and releases destiny into our lives.

This two day gathering frees men to be created sons in their Father’s image and releases hope for the journey. Make plans to be with us and discover the Father’s Heart for you…


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Registration Cost: $45.00  FREE (includes food)  You can register below by creditcard or when you arrive.

Groups: If you are planning to bring a group, you can pay registration when you arrive. However, to help us plan for food and lodging, we require you to email a list with a total number, names and any cabin bunk requests.[social_links icons_boxed=”no” icons_boxed_radius=”4px” icon_colors=”” box_colors=”” tooltip_placement=”” rss=”” facebook=”” twitter=”” instagram=”” dribbble=”” google=”” linkedin=”” blogger=”” tumblr=”” reddit=”” yahoo=”” deviantart=”” vimeo=”” youtube=”” pinterest=”” digg=”” flickr=”” forrst=”” myspace=”” skype=”” paypal=”” dropbox=”” soundcloud=”” vk=”” email=”admin@lordjesuscome.com” show_custom=”no” alignment=”left” class=”” id=””]GROUP CONTACT

Lodging: Tent Camping – FREE    Cabin Bunk – $15:00 per night  FREE (Let us know if you have any special needs. We have a handicap accessible cabin.)

Extra: For those who wish to stay over Saturday evening to attend Liberty Christian Fellowship on Sunday, you can camp for free or pay for the extra night in the cabin FREE. Please let us know.


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