Life is an incredible journey and it is easy to lose sight of it if we only focus on the moment.  Some moments in life can be paralyzing if we let them.  Those of you who have done much flying have been stuck in a city or airport when you needed to be somewhere else.  It’s a layover, not your destination.  None of us decide to permanently stay there.  However, we are there.  We make the best of it, maybe even find a way to enjoy it, knowing it’s a journey not the destination.  We have to learn to enjoy the journey which means embracing changes.

Jeremiah said “God knows the plans He has for you…”  He further says these plans are not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future.  There is a master plan for our lives, which means there is a Master of those plans.  We are not a boat set a drift in life only subject to an undetermined sea and wind.   And we don’t have to live as if any moment we could indiscriminately be dashed upon unforgiving rocks.  We are however like a boat with sails being carried along by the wind of the Holy Spirit.  We may not always know what’s ahead or where we are going.  But, by faith we embrace what comes and forge ahead knowing the Master of the journey knows and does all things well.  He has seen the end from the beginning; He speaks and the elements obey His command.  Our job is to trust Him and enjoy the peace of His comfort and the joy of the journey because He is with us.